
Hello and welcome to my blog! Thanks for taking the time to come visit, and please feel free to comment. Hopefully over time this will become a decent blog with entertaining stories and useful information. Take off your shoes and sit a spell...

Tight Lines!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Ok, so I guess I should probably start this off with a brief introduction of myself, and what I hope to achieve with this little blog...

So, I'm David.  Long story short, I've been fishing basically my entire life.  I absolutely LOVE it!  But, it's not just the fishing I love.  It's all the things around it too (reading, contemplating ideas, sharing thoughts, etc).  I get just as excited about seeing someone else catch a fish as I do when I catch one myself; and NOTHING beats seeing a kid catch a fish, especially their first fish.  To me, that is what fishing is all about...

With this blog I hope to do a few things.  I hope to share info with people who are interested in fishing and may find something I post useful.  I hope to create a resource, over time, where people can come and learn things about fish and fishing that they may not have known.  I, like most anglers, like to tell stories.  So, I hope to share memories that I've made over the years, and read stories from other anglers.  That's the really fun stuff!  I also hope to begin a somewhat more consistent fishing log than what I've been keeping over the years.

Please bear with me over the next few weeks (if anyone shows up by then) while I work on getting the look and layout set up the way I want.  I have developed my own websites over the years, but using this blogging software is new so it may take me a bit until I get things looking the way I want.  PLEASE feel free to give any comments, good or bad, about anything.  Ideally this will become a place where people come to visit regularly and we can create our own little community where everyone comes and shares their ideas and thoughts. 

I will be making more posts about me, and my past over the next little bit to fill in some blanks.  I will also be posting some articles I've written, and info I've gathered over the years to help give the blog some decent depth.  If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to post them!

Tight Lines!


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